SQL has several string functions that are used to manipulate and process character string data. Here are some of the most commonly used string functions in SQL:
String Functions in SQL:
Syntax: CONCAT(string1, string2, …)
Definition: This function is used to concatenate two or more strings into a single string.
Syntax: LENGTH(string)
Definition: This function returns the length of the specified string.
Syntax: UPPER(string)
Definition: This function returns the specified string converted to uppercase.
Syntax: LOWER(string)
Definition: This function returns the specified string converted to lowercase.
SUBSTRING()Syntax: SUBSTRING(string, start_position, length)
Definition: This function returns a substring of the specified string, starting from the specified position and with the specified length.
REPLACE()Syntax: REPLACE(string, search_string, replace_string)
Definition: This function replaces all occurrences of the search string in the specified string with the replace string.
TRIM()Syntax: TRIM([LEADING | TRAILING | BOTH] [characters FROM] string)
Definition: This function removes the specified characters from the beginning, end, or both ends of the specified string.
LTRIM()Syntax: LTRIM(string)
Definition: This function removes any leading spaces from the specified string.
RTRIM()Syntax: RTRIM(string)
Definition: This function removes any trailing spaces from the specified string.
CHARINDEX()Syntax: CHARINDEX(search_string, string, [start_position])
Definition: This function returns the starting position of the specified search string in the specified string. If the start position is specified, the search begins at that position.
LEFT()Syntax: LEFT(string, length)
Definition: This function returns a specified number of characters from the beginning of the specified string.
RIGHT()Syntax: RIGHT(string, length)
Definition: This function returns a specified number of characters from the end of the specified string.
REPLICATE()Syntax: REPLICATE(string, number_of_times)
Definition: This function returns the specified string repeated a specified number of times.
STUFF()Syntax: STUFF(string, start_position, length, replace_string)
Definition: This function deletes a specified length of characters from the specified string, starting at the specified position, and then inserts the specified replacement string.
ASCII()Syntax: ASCII(string)
Definition: This function returns the ASCII code value of the first character in the specified string.
CHAR()Syntax: CHAR(code)
Definition: This function returns the character that corresponds to the specified ASCII code value.
DIFFERENCE()Syntax: DIFFERENCE(string1, string2)
Definition: This function compares two strings and returns an integer value that indicates how similar they are.
FORMAT()Syntax: FORMAT(expression, format)
Definition: This function formats the specified expression using the specified format.
PATINDEX()Syntax: PATINDEX(pattern, string)
Definition: This function returns the starting position of the first occurrence of a specified pattern in the specified string.
QUOTENAME()Syntax: QUOTENAME(string, [quote_character])
Definition: This function returns a Unicode string with the specified string wrapped in brackets, and with any existing brackets doubled.
REVERSE()Syntax: REVERSE(string)
Definition: This function reverses the order of the characters in the specified string.
SOUNDEX()Syntax: SOUNDEX(string)
Definition: This function returns a phonetic representation of the specified string.
SPACE()Syntax: SPACE(number_of_spaces)
Definition: This function returns a string with the specified number of spaces.
STR()Syntax: STR(number, length, decimal_places)
Definition: This function converts a number to a string with the specified length and number of decimal places.
UNICODE()Syntax: UNICODE(character)
Definition: This function returns the Unicode code point value of the specified character.
UPPER()Syntax: UPPER(string)
Definition: This function returns the specified string converted to uppercase.
CONCAT_WS()Syntax: CONCAT_WS(separator, string1, string2, …)
Definition: String functions in SQL CONCAT_WS is a function, This function concatenates two or more strings into a single string, separated by the specified separator.
FORMATMESSAGE()Syntax: FORMATMESSAGE(message, parameter1, parameter2, …)
Definition: String functions in SQL, FORMATMESSAGE is a function, and this function returns a formatted message string, with the specified placeholders replaced by the specified values.
INITCAP()Syntax: INITCAP(string)
Definition: This function returns the specified string with the first character of each word capitalized, and all other characters in lowercase.
LEN()Syntax: LEN(string)
Definition: String functions in SQL, LEN is an important function. This function returns the length of the specified string.
LOCATE()Syntax: LOCATE(substring, string, [start_position])
Definition: This function returns the starting position of the specified substring in the specified string. If the start position is specified, the search begins at that position.
NCHAR()Syntax: NCHAR(code)
Definition: This function returns the Unicode character that corresponds to the specified Unicode code point value.
PATINDEX()Syntax: PATINDEX(pattern, string)
Definition: This function returns the starting position of the first occurrence of a specified pattern in the specified string.
QUOTENAME()Syntax: QUOTENAME(string, [quote_character])
Definition: QUOTENAME is is string functions in sql, This function returns a Unicode string with the specified string wrapped in brackets, and with any existing brackets doubled.
REPLICATE()Syntax: REPLICATE(string, number_of_times)
Definition:In string functions in sql REPLICATE is another function, This function returns the specified string repeated a specified number of times.
Syntax: REPLACE(string, search_string, replace_string)
Definition: In string functions in sql REPLACE is another function, This function replaces all occurrences of the search string in the specified string with the replace string.
SPACE()Syntax: SPACE(number_of_spaces)
Definition: This function returns a string with the specified number of spaces.
Syntax: SUBSTRING(string, start_position, length)
Definition: In string functions in Sql SUBSTRING is another function, it returns a substring of the specified string, starting from the specified position and with the specified length.
For more information or functions visit the official website.
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