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Short Cut Keys for Windows Operating System

Functional Keys and General Short cut keys

F1 [Display Help]

F2 [Rename the selected item]

F3 [Search for a file or folder]

F4 [Display the address bar list in File Explorer]

F5 [Refresh the active window]

F6 [Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop]

F10 [Activate the Menu bar in the active app]

ALT + F4 [Close the active item, or exit the active app]

ALT + ESC [Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened]

ALT + underlined letter in menus and dialog box options [Perform the command for that letter]

ALT + ENTER [Display properties for the selected item]

ALT + SPACEBAR [Open the shortcut menu for the active window]



ALT + PAGE UP [Move up one screen]

ALT + PAGE DOWN [Move down one screen]

ALT + TAB [Switch between open apps (except desktop apps)]

CTRL + F4 [Close the active document (in apps that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)]

CTRL + A [Select all items in a document or window]

CTRL + C or CTRL + INSERT [Copy the selected item]

CTRL + D / DELETE [DELETE the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin]

CTRL + R or F5 [Refresh the active window]

CTRL + V or SHIFT + INSERT [Paste the selected item]

CTRL + X [Cut the selected item]

CTRL + Y [Redo an action]

CTRL + Z [Undo an action]

CTRL + + or CTRL + – [Zoom in or out of a large NUMBER of items, like apps pinned to the Start screen]

CTRL + mouse scroll wheel [Change the size of desktop icons or zoom in or out of a large NUMBER of items, like apps pinned to the Start screen]

CTRL + RIGHT ARROW [Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word]

CTRL + LEFT ARROW [Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word]

CTRL + DOWN ARROW [Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph]

CTRL + UP ARROW [Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph]

CTRL + ALT + TAB [Use the arrow keys to switch between all open apps]

CTRL + ARROW + SPACEBAR [Select multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop]

CTRL + SHIFT + ARROW [Select a block of text]

CTRL + ESC [Open the Start screen]

CTRL + SHIFT + ESC [Open Task Manager]

CTRL + SHIFT [Switch the keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts are available]

CTRL + SPACEBAR [Turn the Chinese input method editor (IME) on or off]

SHIFT + F10 [Display the shortcut menu for the selected item]

SHIFT + ARROW [Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document]

SHIFT + DELETE [Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first]

RIGHT ARROW [Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu]

LEFT ARROW [Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu]

ESC [Stop or leave the current task]

Windows Shortcut Keys

Win + F1 [Open Windows Help and support] Win [Display or hide the Start screen] Win + B [Set focus in the notification area] Win + C [Open Charms] Win + D [Display and hide the desktop] Win + E [Open File Explorer] Win + F [Open the Search charm and search for files] Win + H [Open the Share charm] Win + I [Open the Settings charm] Win + K [Open the Devices charm] Win + L [Lock your PC or switch people] Win + M [Minimize all windows] Win + O [Lock device orientation] Win + P [Choose a presentation display mode] Win + Q [Open the Search charm to search everywhere or within the open app (if the app supports app search)] Win + R [Open the Run dialog box] Win + S [Open the Search charm to search Windows and the web] Win + T [Cycle through apps on the taskbar] Win + U [Open Ease of Access Center] Win + V [Cycle through notifications] Win + SHIFT + V [Cycle through notifications in reverse order] Win + W [Open the Search charm and search for settings] Win + X [Open the Quick Link menu] Win + Z [Show the commands available in the app] Win + , [Temporarily peek at the desktop] Win + PAUSE [Display the System Properties dialog box] Win + CTRL + F [Search for PCs (if you’re on a network)] Win + SHIFT + M [Restore minimized windows on the desktop] Win + (NUMBER 1-9) [Open the desktop and start the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the app is already running, it switches to that app.] Win + SHIFT + (NUMBER 1-9) [Open the desktop and start a new instance of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number] Win + CTRL + (NUMBER 1-9) [Open the desktop and switch to the last active window of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number] Win + ALT + (NUMBER 1-9) [Open the desktop and open the Jump List for the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number] Win + CTRL + SHIFT + (NUMBER 1-9) [Open the desktop and open a new instance of the app located at the given position on the taskbar as an administrator] Win + TAB [Cycle through recently used apps (except desktop apps)] Win + CTRL + TAB [Cycle through recently used apps (except desktop apps)] Win + SHIFT + TAB [Cycle through recently used apps (except desktop apps) in reverse order] Win + CTRL + B [Switch to the app that displayed a message in the notification area] Win + UP ARROW [Maximize the window] Win + DOWN ARROW [Remove current app from screen or minimize the desktop window] Win + LEFT ARROW [Maximize the app or desktop window to the LEFT side of the screen] Win + RIGHT ARROW [Maximize the app or desktop window to the RIGHT side of the screen] Win + HOME [Minimize all but the active desktop window (restores all windows on second stroke)] Win + SHIFT + UP ARROW [Stretch the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen] Win + SHIFT + DOWN ARROW [Restore/minimize active desktop windows vertically, maintaining width] Win + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW [Move an app or window in the desktop from one monitor to another] Win + SPACEBAR [Switch input language and keyboard layout] Win + CTRL + SPACEBAR [Change to a previously selected input] Win + ENTER [Open Narrator] Win + SHIFT + . [Cycle through open apps] Win + . [Cycle through open apps] Win + / [Initiate IME reconversion] Win + ALT + ENTER [Open Windows Media Center] Win + +/- [Zoom in or out using Magnifier] Win + ESC [Exit Magnifier]

File Handling Short cut keys

ALT + D [Select the address bar] CTRL + E [Select the search box] CTRL + F [Select the search box] CTRL + N [Open a new window] CTRL + W [Close the current window] CTRL + mouse scroll wheel [Change the size and appearance of file and folder icons] CTRL + SHIFT + E [Display all folders above the selected folder] CTRL + SHIFT + N [Create a new folder] NUM LOCK + * [Display all subfolders under the selected folder] NUM LOCK + + [Display the contents of the selected folder] NUM LOCK + – [Collapse the selected folder] ALT + P [Display the preview pane] ALT + ENTER [Open the Properties dialog box for the selected item] ALT + RIGHT ARROW [View the next folder] ALT + UP ARROW [View the folder that the folder was in] ALT + LEFT ARROW [View the previous folder] BACKSPACE [View the previous folder] RIGHT ARROW [Display the current selection (if it’s collapsed), or select the first subfolder] LEFT ARROW [Collapse the current selection (if it’s expanded), or select the folder that the folder was in] END [Display the bottom of the active window] HOME [Display the top of the active window] F11 [Maximize or minimize the active window]

General folder/shortcut control

F4: Selects the Go To A Different Folder box and moves down the entries in the box (if the toolbar is active in Windows Explorer)
F5: Refreshes the current window.
F6: Moves among panes in Windows Explorer
CTRL+G: Opens the Go To Folder tool (in Windows 95 Windows Explorer only)
CTRL+Z: Undo the last command
CTRL+A: Select all the items in the current window
BACKSPACE: Switch to the parent folder
SHIFT+click+Close button: For folders, close the current folder plus all parent folders

Controllers in Number Pad of the keyboard

Numeric Keypad *: Expands everything under the current selection
Numeric Keypad +: Expands the current selection
Numeric Keypad -: Collapses the current selection.
RIGHT ARROW: Expands the current selection if it is not expanded, otherwise goes to the first child
LEFT ARROW: Collapses the current selection if it is expanded, otherwise goes to the parent

Windows Screen shortcut keys

Win + . [Enter Rearrange mode and select apps or dividers across monitors] Win + LEFT ARROW [Move app divider left] Win + RIGHT ARROW [Move app divider right] Win + UP ARROW [Maximize app] Win + DOWN ARROW [Close app] Win + ESC [Exit Rearrange mode]

About Santosh Kumar Gadagamma

I'm Santosh Gadagamma, an Experienced Software Engineer passionate about sharing knowledge in technologies like Java, C/C++, DBMS/RDBMS, Bootstrap, Big Data, Javascript, Android, Spring, Hibernate, Struts, and all levels of software design, development, deployment, and maintenance. I believe computers are essential for the world's functioning, and I'm committed to helping others learn the skills they need to succeed in tech. My website is a valuable learning tool to help you reach greater heights in your education and career, and I believe that education has no end points.

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