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The male gonads consist of a pair of testes, also called testicles. They develop in a sac, called scrotum which is present in the extra abdominal region. The scrotum exposes the testes to the lower temperature than rest of the body, which is required for the maturation and development of the sperms (spermatogenesis). Lying between the anus and the scrotum at the floor of the pelvic cavity is the perineum.
The internal region of testes is composed of large mass of narrow, coiled tubules called the seminiferous tubules. These tubules help in the sperm formation.
The seminiferous tubules are the parenchymal tissue of the testis, means they perform the essential function of the organ. The other cells of the testis, called interstitial cells helps in the production of the male hormone, testosterone.
Fig. Male reproductive system

As the sperms are formed, they move through the seminiferous tubules and are collected in ducts that lead to a large tube at the upper part of the testis, known as epididymis. The sperms are temporarily stored here. The epididymis runs down the length of the testicle and then turns upward and forms a straight tube, which is known as vas deferens.
The region where vas deferens enters the urethra is known as prostate gland. This gland secretes a thick fluid that helps in the motility of the sperms. This gland also helps in the expulsion of sperms during ejaculation.
The urethra passes through the penis to the outside of the body. Penis is composed of erectile tissue, and at its tip composed of a sensitive tissue, called glans penis.
Q.1. A sac enclosing the testes on the outside of the body is known as:
- Penis
- Sperm
- Scrotum
- Flagellum
Ans. c
Q.2. The interior of the testis is composed of a large mass of narrow coiled tubules is known as:
- Scrotum
- Gonads
- Seminiferous tubules
- Epididymis
Ans. c
Q.3. Which gland aids the motility of the sperms?
- Prostate gland
- Cowper’s gland
- Testosterone
- Seminal vesicle
Ans. a
Q.4. The process of formation of sperms is known as:
- Oogenesis
- Spermatogenesis
- Gametolysis
- Both b and c
Ans. b
Q.5. Testis are present in the:
- Extra abdominal region
- Abdominal region
- Near the navel.
- None
Ans. a
Q.6. Select the male hormone:
- Testosterone
- Estrogen
- Progestrone.
- Thyroxine
Ans. a