Apache Struts 2 Framework: Building Enterprise-Ready Web Applications
Apache Struts 2 is an extensible and elegant framework that has gained prominence in the world of Java web application development. It provides developers with a powerful toolset to create robust and enterprise-ready web applications efficiently. In this article, we will explore Apache Struts 2, its history, key features, and why it is considered a fundamental framework for web developers.
A Brief History of Apache Struts 2 Framework:
The story of Apache Struts dates back to the early 2000s when Craig McClanahan created the framework. In May 2000, he donated it to the Apache Software Foundation, laying the foundation for what would become Struts 1.0 in June 2001. Initially known as Web Work2, the framework underwent significant evolution and improvements, leading to the release of Apache Struts 2, which has become its own distinct and powerful framework.
Understanding the MVC Pattern: Apache Struts 2 Framework
At the core of Apache Struts 2 lies the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. MVC is a widely adopted design pattern in software development, and it provides a structured approach to building applications. In the context of Apache Struts 2:
- Model: The model represents the application’s data and business logic. It interacts with the persistence storage, handling tasks such as storing, retrieving, and manipulating data. In essence, the model focuses on the data aspect of the application.
- View: The view is responsible for displaying the data to the user and presenting the results back. In Apache Struts 2, the view layer is implemented using JavaServer Pages (JSP). Importantly, the view layer remains independent of the application’s logic.
- Controller: The controller, implemented as a filter in Apache Struts 2, serves as the central component that handles incoming requests from users. When a request is received, the controller invokes an Action class to process it. This separation of concerns ensures clean code organization and maintainability.

Why Apache Struts 2 Matters:
Apache Struts 2’s significance in the world of web development lies in its ability to streamline the development process for Java web applications. Here are some key reasons why this framework is highly regarded:
- Extensibility: Apache Struts 2 is designed to be extensible. It provides a flexible architecture that allows developers to customize and extend its features to meet specific project requirements.
- Enterprise-Ready: The framework is well-suited for building enterprise-level applications. It provides features like robust security, support for internationalization, and data validation, making it a reliable choice for business-critical applications.
- Community and Support: Apache Struts 2 benefits from a strong and active open-source community. This means developers can access a wealth of resources, documentation, and community support, making it easier to troubleshoot issues and stay updated with best practices.
- Integration: Apache Struts 2 seamlessly integrates with other Java technologies and frameworks. It is often used in conjunction with Java EE (Enterprise Edition) technologies and integrates effortlessly with various database systems.
Requirements :
1. Struts zip file
2. Tomcat server 7.0 and above
3. Eclipse IDE.
Struts Installation and configuration:
Download the struts zip file latest version from the link http://struts.apache.org/download.cgi and extract the file save it in folder.
Add these jar files to our struts application by using Configure Build Path option in eclipse.
Required jar files for struts framework are:
• freemarker-2.3.8.jar
• commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
• ognl-2.6.11.jar
• struts2-core-2.0.11.jar
• commons-collections-3.0.jar
• xwork-2.0.4.jar
In conclusion, Apache Struts 2 is a versatile and powerful framework that simplifies the development of Java web applications. Its adherence to the MVC pattern, extensibility, and strong community support make it an essential tool for web developers aiming to create robust and enterprise-ready applications. By understanding its core concepts and features, developers can leverage Apache Struts 2 to streamline the development process and deliver high-quality web applications.
Official documentation on Java Programming from Oracle.
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Official Documentation on Apache Struts 2 Framework is here.